Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra with players Pluto, Uranus and Jupiter – How it plays out

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse (Blood Moon) - April 4, 2015
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse (Blood Moon) – April 4, 2015

Today – It’s a super charged Full Moon (April 4, 2015) in Libra!  What can this mean? Here’s my version…

But is it only today that we may feel (Moon/emotion) the effects?  No; it’s more or less a theme that’s been occurring at least since the last eclipse (Solar a few weeks ago, March 20).

Something shifted around that time, perhaps ended—a change; a new way of BE-ing may have occurred for you.

And now, that’s associated with a new beginning.

Don’t’ get hung up on the exact dates; instead just think about something that may have occurred in the life 2 or 3 weeks ago (or even  a month or so ago) that set you up for the new phase that this eclipse is heralding—new beginning; new way of seeing things; new way of being in the world; new chapter in the life.  (We can experience the effects of an eclipse months before and months after–or so they say and so I’ve personally observed.)  But what are the key factors we can realize now?

Relationship is the key word with this energy and if you’re like me—happy to be in relationship with Self with a capital S (Higher Self) and with Divine Being you may, like me, be seeing life in a whole new light.  That should be a capital L really in the word Life—meaning All That Is and of course all that isn’t and the space in between.

Of course, we’d also have to mention personal one-on-one relationships with family, friends, life partners too which may be taking on a whole new meaning right about now and over the next few months.

This is no ordinary placement.  The Sun is conjunct Uranus and T-squaring Pluto.  What a mixture!   Moon, Uranus in Aries, the Libra Sun and tossed into that we also have the Capricorn Pluto – better not reference tossing Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, anywhere– it’s he who does the tossing.  LOL

Sun in Aries wants freedom and the ability to do it’s own thing regarding its purpose in life and the planet Uranus is empowering that Sun to go for it! As I see it, the planets and luminaries are setting up that theme when the Sun/Uranus opposes Moon and squares Pluto.

To me that configuration indicates  finding freedom in our life in a new way–one which challenges our feelings of security or actually enhances those feelings to create transformational (Pluto, the transformer) attitudes or views regarding how we relate to others and/or to Life Itself.  Pluto is quite psychological and so we could sense here a new psychology in your life–perhaps a highly personal one that creates a new beginning.

Can you see or feel how this can be playing out in your life now?  And how it has been occurring for some time now?

Jupiter plays a part in this attitudinal, emotional energy merger and change of view too. Jupiter, the great benefic, is highly focused via it’s retrograde motion.  It’s moving through Leo now.   And now its making an aspect to the other players, bringing with it a sense of playfulness and joy and mostly FUN.   That’s the energy that influences and balances this new attitude and way of be-ing that is taking shape and changing our lives right now.

May the blessings of Jupiter be yours and may you find the freedom and harmony in your life that brings the new freedom/ liberation of contented happiness with the influence of this eclipse both now and over the next 6 months!

Karma, Ground Consciousness, Habituation and Meditation – mindfulness can create happiness

Karmic imprints

Karmic imprints.  They accumulate and are latent in ground consciousness or base mind.

This area of psyche gathers up or collects  (through the many layers of it’s nature)   all the karmic latencies that are gathered over eons of lifetimes.

And the responses to those tendencies create more imprints and here in this reality, on the earth,  they are able to be stimulated.

I used to think that we were completely in control of moods via our thoughts–and while that is partially true, the karmic imprints that settle into consciousness awaken in us as experiences of suffering or experiences of happiness which sometimes are seemingly out of our control.  I’ve been thinking about  karmic latency and habitual tendencies.  Do we say something like, ‘Oh that’s just how I am an I can’t help that‘ or what?  Just how does it all work anyway?   These thoughts that follow are influenced by Buddhist views by the way and they make perfect sense (to me).

Positive or negative karma ,it is said, does not always  immediately express itself. These karmic latencies resting within ground consciousness can arise later, even in future lifetimes.

Sometimes I can correlate karmic events to the Nodes of the Moon (North Node, South Node)  in an astrology chart–imprints remain in ground consciousness to ripen under the appropriate circumstances.  And we can correlate that to aspects to the birth Nodes and the transiting Lunar Nodes.  Anyway…

Negative and positive qualities increase due to habitual patterns–if a person tends to be angry again and again then becomes habituated to anger, it creates an increase of anger-latency in the mind.   The same is true with positive qualities such as love and compassion.  These qualities (either positive or negative) creates the foundation for the mind–ground consciousness.   Even in remembering some experience of the past, the remembering of it strengthens the latency.

For these reasons, we should be ever-aware and mindful–otherwise our disturbing emotions gradually increase from day-to-day and lifetime-to-lifetime.

We can create mindfulness latencies in the ground conspicuousness (habitual pattern of mindfulness).

Through meditation we can create positive latencies of love, wisdom and compassion which does overcome negative imprints when meditation is increased to focus on that love, wisdom and compassion.

We are born with a particular proclivities or latent tendencies developed in previous lifetimes.  We see this within seconds, minutes, hours of a baby’s birth.  Not all babies have the same newborn tendencies—some are restless, some are peaceful, etc.  Some children are naturally very kind due to positive latencies developed and imprinted in previous lifetimes into their ground consciousness.  Other children are very aggressive due to their own latent tendencies.

Some people are unable to deny themselves their desires and cannot say no to themselves–others can deny themselves but have difficulty saying no to others. Yet, we can change through cultivation of mindfulness or being aware of our tendencies and developing positive virtues where needed.

It seems like another lifetime ago when I asked higher mind/spirit guides [_____ fill in your own preferred word (s) here] a question. (Divination)

I really wanted to know why we were here and what we’re doing here and what the whole bottom-line point to our lives here were about.

And I was told that we are here to develop virtue.  And now, many years later, I see how true that answer was; although at the time I wasn’t satisfied with it.

With the correct understanding and with mindfulness in life and developing good qualities through  meditation we will be able to develop new latencies, new habitual  patterns, new tendencies.

Is that easy?  Is being mindful and conscious of our latent habitual tendencies at all times easy?  It’s as easy as that — or as difficult.  It depends on us.

We can develop positive or negative tendencies throughout life!  They come and they go depending upon our own awareness and contribution to the habitual patterns.

Our experience of happiness is based upon ground consciousness no matter which realm we are in.  Creating karmic imprints in the present reality results in experiencing their results in the future.

Just like a child who goes to school and studies hard creates an imprint in the mind that allows the child to later on do something with the imprint like become a teacher or a doctor.  If there was no type of imprint to start with (no schooling, no education) there would be no possibility of becoming the teacher in the future.

Well, this is all I have time to write on the topic for the moment.  I hope some of these words will find their way to the right person at the right time out there in cyber world and in doing so be helpful to that other.  


How much power and control do we have to create our reality? What about karma? Life lessons? And what the “haves” say to the “have not’s”

How much power and control do we have to create our reality?  What about karma? Life lessons?

And what the “haves” say to the “have not’s”

scales_love or moneyLo!  I do struggle with that one just a bit more than some—from what I’ve observed it’s the “have not’s” who are more concerned with this question.  The “have’s” just go about having and don’t think about it much I suppose—well, maybe they do and that’s why they “have” in the first place.  OR having or not having is not their karma in this lifetime—maybe it’s something else their soul struggles with.  Hey, we’ve all got our own personal bug-a-boo I suppose.  I’ve worked with many clients who have plenty of money—an excess in fact—and you should see what their worries are!  To us “have-not’s” those things can appear pretty laughable and to us their so-called problem seems easily manageable, but I have to be careful not to minimize their dilemma any more than I like the “have’s” to minimize my “have not” issues.

I do notice though that those “have’s” who want to give me some type of “have not” advice almost always come from a place of having daddy’s inheritance, a hard-hard working and high-income producing life partner, or live on huge retirement benefits–those types of things… I’m just sayen’.  I try to be patient.  They mean well but usually don’t understand or even if they did once, they’ve forgotten.

It’s simple—make a plan, create your reality, affirm your will—right?  Yes.  And; No.  There’s the laws of karma and causality and energy that must play out no matter what you affirm or how much will you demonstrate.  Yeah, I hear ya’.  If that’s what you believe, you say, then that’s what you will experience.  I know all that but I’m talking about what some would call “Divine Timing” or what in Tarot Card language we’d call the “Wheel of Fortune” card or perhaps we could use the word “destiny”.  Astrology is my new ‘thang’ more-or-less lately (besides swimming) and more than anything else it explains things like… well, that classic book entitled, “Why do bad things happen to good people?”   Essentially, one can see the karmic patterns and the timing of the events and what the soul is learning which ‘splains quite a bit and helps one work with the soul’s plan rather than making one of one’s own and working against it.

Do we make a plan or go with the flow


Someone says,  “Well,  make a plan”,  and I laugh because …. Well, what’s that line, “… best laid plans of mice and men”… tell the Universe your plans and make the gods laugh.

I have faith and trust that The Divine Assistants know our mind and heart ‘help us to help ourselves’.  And believing that we do have that assistance working on our behalf, I am assured.

Yet I’ve also realized that we are here working through the energies that have already been set into motion so that the best plan we can make (if we make one) is to find the way to be at peace with “what is”–and that’s not easy task some days!  Our heart’s desire is the plan and if we trust that  while having faith that the path will be cleared and the way will be shown and known to us in exactly the right timing, this is the best we can do until the energy shifts to align with those intentions and the soul plan.

Like the old saying goes–make your intention and express your will and then let go, and let god.

That last step, surrender, is what us “have not’s” get pretty good at over time—something the “have’s” may no nothing about.

Or maybe they do.

Meanwhile, as a “have not”, I usually flow with whatever happens while holding the general outcome desired in the mind and heart,  following guidance daily as it comes–for me its the best way to fly.   If you ask if I am making a plan, that’s my answer–it’s worked thus far.