What Now? The Sun just moved into Pisces

Sun Transit
Sun Transiting Pisces

The transiting Sun just entered Pisces as I write this post. The exact time was yesterday 2/18/20 at 11:58 pm Eastern.  If you were born with your Sun in Pisces, Happy Birthday!  What could a Sun transiting through Pisces mean for the rest of us?

Before attempting to answer that, the reply should actually be qualified by what house (s) contain the sign of Pisces in your birth chart and what aspects (connections to) other transiting or birth planets affect its energy.

That said, generally speaking here, I will review transiting Sun in Pisces in common terms so as not to complicate matters.

The basics.  The Sun travels around the zodiac (all the houses in the chart) or if you prefer the dictionary definition of zodiac, an imaginary band in the heavens centered on the ecliptic that encompasses the apparent paths of all the planets and is divided into 12 constellations or signs each taken for astrological purposes to extend 30 degrees of longitude.  

So Sun has just moved through 30 degrees of the previous constellation of Aquarius and into Pisces.  Basic meanings of the Sun itself include phrases such as where a person shines or one’s purpose on an external world/visible level.  Sun rules the 5th house of a chart and thus is associated with creativity and vitality.  While the Moon relates more to the inner world of moods/emotions, the Sun relates more so to the outer world of personality/ego.  The Sun is connected with the archetype of how one identifies one’s self and how one wishes to be seen by others. The Sun is associated with one’s will and determination.

So how do those Sun qualities out-picture the sign of Pisces?  What can you or I expect to affect those qualities in our own life when the Sun moves into Pisces?

I will attempt to use my own chart as a reference here and hope that doing so will add to the reader’s understanding of astrology.  There is a need for me to sort of meditate, contemplate, or sit with the combination of a Sun/Pisces blend in order to receive some insight about how I can answer that for myself.

Recall that Pisces is ruled by Neptune (ruler of the 12th house) and so those qualities relate to dreaminess, spirituality or higher-consciousness, the subconscious, as well as escapism and confusion.  I always think of Pisces in relation to a need for discernment or the flip side of that the delusions associated with a lack of trust.

Here one has to remember that the house of the planet and sign has an influence as well as the ruling planets.  Astrology is like synchronizing energy.  Personally, that’s why I like it since I enjoy reading those energy signatures.  But in this post, I’m going to try to keep it simple if I can.

So a blend of will, determination, and purpose combined with spirituality or spiritual path — for me, that’s how I see the Sun in Pisces energy affecting my life.  I used my intuition as I combined those qualities as well as my own current life experience.  As I considered the Sun transiting in Pisces in my life now, there has been a shift in how I’m doing daily meditation.

It does require some application of will but not too much since meditation is not to be tight or contain too much concentration.  So that will and that purpose (Sun)combined with the mind/higher consciousness and spiritual path (Pisces) makes sense in my life at this time. Revisiting a meditative focus on the jhanas (deeper states of meditative concentration) on more profound levels than at previous times in my life is my overwhelming calling at this time.  And a recent intuitive calling to do this does relate with the timing of this Sun in Pisces transit.

You can go to www.astro.com to create your own birth chart for free *(of course, you must know your time of birth) in order to determine where (what house) the Pisces Sun is transiting in your chart.

In my case, the transiting Sun in Pisces has just entered my 7th house (relationships to others) and will touch into my 8th house before the Sun moves into Aries.  Issues related to my 7th house of relating to others may come into play for me between now and mid-March when the Sun moves our of Pisces.  That last part has to be kind of general leastwise if it isn’t there will be an entire chart interpretation to follow.

One last piece that could be added is that the transit will trigger the birth Sun area and pull that dynamic into the scene.  For me, that’s my 2nd house Libra Sun, Neptune, Moon stellium in Libra.  So lots of Libra energy connections affecting what I value in the world and how I relate to myself as well as others especially with regard to my spiritual purpose and how I use my will to express it or enhance it.

I hope this reflection on the Pisces Sun Transit blog post will interest readers new to astrology and be helpful to anyone who may stumble upon this.

And may you be happy! 



Yes, well, I did put an exclamation point after that word in the heading.  I finally figured out how to add a “sign up for blog form” on my newer website (JoyStarPsychicAstro.com).  I’ve been told that the Goog likes websites that continually add content.  Therefore, I created a blog for astrology on that website but the WordPress theme I’d chosen for that website didn’t have a widget for that.  All that means in WordPress terms was that an RSS needed to be created and linked to it.  Sounds easy? It wasn’t–not for me anyhow.

Slow brain here (getting old) that’s not to computer savvy resulted in way too many hours invested to achieve the goal. But today?  Yes, today!  Finally, I have it (mostly) figured out.  I signed up for my own astrology blog post and it actually arrived in my email box!  Thus the reason for the exclamation point in the header subject.

Below I have included are some of the recent astrology posts that were part of my herculean efforts.   I hope someone out there will find them useful.

Once you are on the website, you may like to sign up for the astro blog posts.  I’m no astrological whiz kid but share what I know.

I will continue to blog here, however, and will remain at sending out my newsletters “Thoughts Along The Path” as well.

Here are links to the most recent astrology posts . . .







While I’m at it, here’s a link to my latest Newsletter:






Winter Solstice December 21, 2017 REFLECTIONS and MEDITATION

‘I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being.’

 –Hafiz, Sufi Poet

Light can enter one’s life through working with difficulty but this newsletter isn’t a downer; hopefully, it’s just the opposite. And the intention, as always, is to inspire, inform and involve engagement with Spirit. I wanted to start with this:  One often hears quoted, it is the crack (or break) of the heart through which the light enters.

To sit with the difficulty without causing suffering to self or to others is to honor the dark and the light in one’s life.

These seem to me to be good meditative contemplations for the shortest day and longest night.  I wanted to write about it today as we enter what I like to call “the great stopping of momentum, the great balance of light and dark–the great silence, the big quiet.”

 Sitting with the difficulties of life, even the difficulties of daily meditation can open us to more light entering our consciousness so that we can benefit ourselves, others and the world.  Let me explain what I mean.

I’m talking about not turning away but rather really bearing the pain, whether physical, emotional, mental or spiritual, without creating further pain for self or another in any way.   Not running from it, suppressing it or becoming angry or frustrated with darkness.  That’s an example of balancing the light and dark in one’s life.  We can be reminded of this type of yin-yang balance during the time of the Winter Solstice.

It isn’t easy to really be with troubles without adding more suffering.  In The Arrow Sutra, the Buddha teaches about how we embellish the pain or difficulty (shooting the second arrow), instead of observing what is actually present:  which is the arising and passing of feelings. So instead of turning away from emotions, turn towards them and watch them pass just the way they have arisen.  In this way, we allow the light of awareness to enter and wisdom to arise.

Practice in Meditation

A simple meditation today, the Winter Solstice, can help us work with balancing light and dark/ease and difficulty.  Here’s what I mean.  Sometimes, we resist emotions or thoughts or discomfort in the body or sleepiness or restlessness during meditation and in doing so, we shoot a second arrow, so-to-speak, and create a story around even these simple experiences in meditation.

OR we may come to the sitting with already-formed goals, intentions or ideas about how the meditation time is going to be experienced.  “I am going to be in a bliss state the whole time, or go floating into the heaven of the cosmos.”  When in actuality, we may feel sleepy, restless or have thoughts of regret or other emotional difficulties arise.

Meditation is a practice for life.  And life is full of darkness as well as light– full of difficulties as well as it’s opposite, freedom,  peace/ease.  Think of yin-yang.

Our world needs people who can stand in the fire or tolerate the difficulty, keep a cool head, not over-react, deal with harsh and hard situations with clarity and wisdom.  Meditation practice trains us to do this. 

The ideal

We don’t quit or run or try to escape –nor do we control or intend any type of outcome when we meditate.  We may have an intention for our meditation practice which is alright but many times if we just allow, and experience, observe, see the mind working while being interested yet not being too controlling, too tense nor too relaxed but  just allowing ourselves to move through the states without judging ourselves as “bad meditators” and without becoming frustrated … if we can uphold these ideals, I think  we can develop the ability to balance the light and dark in our lives too.   Yeah, I know this is an awkwardly phrased paragraph, but you know what I mean, right?

The Winter Solstice is a reminder of all of this . . .

  • of how the depth of our being which is radiant clear light can open up through staying with difficulties
  • of how our core mind, the primal mind, is radiant and clear in nature
  • of how just like the Tibetan Buddhist tradition speaks, a self-existing lamp of wisdom exists within each of us
  •  of how through the difficulties and darkness of life, we are able to access this kind of light or presence
  • of  how we go into the dark in order to be able to see the light
  • of how we are with the difficult in order that we may be able to have more ease

If in meditation we can embrace the unknowing or just allow rather than always trying to control – the unknowing will open up to knowing. Being with the difficult or darkness opens us to light as well as being regenerative and enabling wisdom.

Here is some poetry that expresses these ideas . . . 

“Some nights stay up till dawn,
as the moon sometimes does for the sun.
Be a full bucket pulled up the dark way
of a well, then lifted out into light.”
Three times my life has opened.
Once, into darkness and rain.
Once, into what the body carries at all times within it and
starts to remember each time it enters the act of love.
Once, into the fire that holds all.
These three were not different.
You will recognize what I am saying or you will not.
But outside my window all day a maple has stepped
from her leaves like a woman in love with winter, dropping
the colored silks.

Neither are we different in what we know.
There is a door. It opens. Then it is closed. But a slip of
light stays, like a scrap of unreadable paper left on the floor,
or the one red leaf the snow releases in March.
–Jane Hirshfield

If each day falls
Inside each night,
There exists a well
Where clarity is imprisoned.
We need to sit on the rim
Of the well of darkness
And fish for fallen light
With patience.
–Pablo Neruda

 Notice:  I will resume doing the $22 Email
New Years Mini-Readings on January 2nd

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

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