Goddess Ceres in Astrology – A Personal Exploration

Originally known as the Goddess of Agriculture; thus the wheat in her arms and the harvesting sickle astrological symbol

Both men and women have a fathering function symbolized by Saturn.  The Moon symbolizes the maternal function, as well as Ceres.  The asteroid centers in my psyche are perhaps newly energized or activated in that I’ve been thinking (and writing) about the goddesses Juno, Pallas and Vesta.  Today, I am turning toward Ceres so see what I can learn about this energy as it applies to my life and to incorporate some knowledge.  That, then, is the point or focus of this post today.  Ceres.

Here’s one archetype of Ceres (AKA Demetris drawn from the mythology of Persephone, her missing daughter take by Pluto). Parent-child complexes are associated with Ceres.  C.G. Jung wrote, “Every mother contains her daughter in herself and every daughter her mother; every woman extends backward into her mother and forward into her daughter.”  On a practical level, in a horoscope, the location of Ceres points to information about the mothering function especially with regard to issues of attachment and freedom.

According to mythology, Ceres was unwilling to allow Persephone to have freedom of choice and it is said that Persephone was overly attached to her mother.  Therefore, natural as well as un-natural nurturing are archetypes of Ceres.  The House and Sign of Ceres in a natal chart can indicate how we feel about nurturing and maybe even how we nurture ourselves.

As with all planets in a chart, aspects to those points modify them a great deal; therefore in a chart, one must look to the connections Ceres is making to other parts of the psyche.

I’m going to look at my own Ceres in my birth chart now to see what I can determine in my effort to expand this center in my consciousness.  My Ceres is in my 9th house, in Taurus, retrograde squaring Mars and Pluto and opposing Venus and Mercury.  That’s a mouthful.

Ceres-Pluto aspects relate to the comings and goings and sharing of children.  That makes sense in correlation to mythology since Pluto abducted Cere’s daughter Persephone.  My life has included a divorce and the sharing of our three daughters—I can see how that particular aspect would fit me personally.

Ceres, in my natal chart, (9th house/Taurus) carries the signature of nurturing through the Earth (nature) and the physical body (in my case, exercise).  Taurus is a sign that relates to (Taurus rules 2nd house) of self-worth and self-reliance; therefore, when I provide materially and physically for myself, a high degree of self-acceptance is my reward. As a side piece to this, Aries is on the cusp of my 9th house and Ceres squares it’s ruler Mars which adds that physical exercise piece – the more aggressive the exercise, the more I like it.  These are qualities (via aspects, house, and sign) that modify the meaning of my natal Ceres.  Much more could be said but that’s what jumps out at this moment.

The Mar/Aries piece of it relates to feeling free and independent feeds my psyche in a positive way and Ceres is expressing that in my chart.

Ceres, Asteroid in space – As above, so below

The 9th house, where my natal Ceres is located, relates not only to freedom but the pursuit of knowledge and truth.  The deep feeling of accuracy there is also expansive—it is so very true that study of philosophy and spiritual truths are like a divine mother nurturing me!

Now my intention is to address the oppositions to Ceres from Venus and Mercury in my natal chart.  These are oppositional, of course naturally are located in my 3rd house of communication.  (For new astrologers, we come to this as 3 opposes 9 in the house system).

Mercury rules the 3rd house and is therefore strong here.  (Mercury is in Scorpio and Venus is at 29° Libra).  Just a bottom line interpretation here includes this: the nurturing of others through communication that is harmonious while also ‘soul-deep’.  This is my work, my profession as a psychic.  And it is how (I hope) that I nurture others and when being paid for my services expands the possibility of being able to be self-reliant via being nurtured in return).

Just as a final note about the opposition aspect energy:   I see the opposition aspect as energy that merges with one another rather than pulling apart or opposing in a negative way.  That’s how I’d like to see the energy that is an opposition aspect in a chart and often attend to the more positive slant on life in other ways, too, when possible.

Just a mini-vent here.  In astrology  (and what gives it a label of inaccuracy at times) is when one attempts to single out one planet in one sign in one house and make a single determination of meaning.  One must take in the entire chart as a whole into consideration,  otherwise, it can be so very misleading and confusing. –End Vent

This is much more than was intended to write on Ceres today. I have a client in a few moments and must end this now.

I hope if you have an interest in the Goddess Ceres, that this post was in some way helpful to you.

Here’s a link to another of my blog posts about PALLAS, JUNO, and VESTA that was posted on another site if you are interested in reading about those asteroids too.

Weekly Horoscope – Transits for August 22, 2016

This week’s Main Players:   Mars conjunct Saturn and Mercury conjunct Jupiter

Weekly Horoscope

Mars conjunct Saturn August 22 – 26, 2016

Youth/Mars and Adult/Saturn.  This is back to school time in most places and the skies align with the sign of impulsive, immature Mars meeting closely with stable, mature Saturn.  Both signs are in Sagittarius which is generally thought to be the sign related to optimism, growth and also education.  As above, so below.  It seems pretty clear to me!  We would all sense the effect of this transit through the first 7 to 10 days of September.

Generally, we would all, in some way, likely be considering some new philosophy or belief (Sag) and some way to apply it to some new discipline or work (Saturn).  It may feel exciting and we may feel great passion about it (Mars).

In every sense, this is a positive aspect, unless you have been much too unruly and out of control–the “Lord of Karma” i.e. Saturn will be implementing the law of cause and effect.  You will receive what you deserve one way or another.

Sustained growth through patient endeavors — that’s one theme for the week!  If you are able to Continue reading

When the Moon Transits the 10th House

Moon in the 10th House


The 10th:  the house of achievement and fulfillment in one’s life.  The true vocation — not the job; that’s the 6th house.

I was just about to think that the Moon in the 10th house has nothing to do with anything occurring in my life right now–when duhhh! How obvious could it be?  Let me explain.

When  the Moon transits the 10th house it hits the emotional psyche or the part of us that relates to what we do here!  Our work, our career, our cosmic job description!  The 10th is ruled by Saturn/Capricorn which relates to “society”, the public.

You know this, right?  That you can sell shoes and still be doing your cosmic job description, right?  I mean we do what we came here to do no matter what our J.O.B. happens to be and we do it whether we can help it or not really.

Anyway, how could I not get such an obvious connection with my life right now?   Today I’ve been revisiting/evaluating my prior job experiences, my writing work and some other things (details not as important as the archetype meaning that I’m getting at here).  Career and how we are viewed by the public and how we view our own role in the world–that’s the 10th house.  Its what and how we are doing what we are here to do.  Well, you get the idea.  It’s the authority connection to–the 10th.  Saturn links to “the boss” or the conventional authority figure and often that archetype relates to “father” or “dad” which is another connection that Saturn /Capricorn have as far as archetype meanings.

Do I want to change it up, mix it up, flip it or turn it all around.  Do the Hokey Pokey shake it all around?  Those topics, that subject, has been dancing around in my heart the past few days, especially today.  Psychic work, astrology work, writing the novel and being of service to the world in the ways that I know how to.

I’ve been thinking about how I see myself in the world and evaluating my ability to be of service in other ways today. And actually that’s  right on time with a Moon transiting in the 10th house of career and the public image.  The opposite polarity, the 4th house, relates to self-image while the 10th relates to public image.   My entire day today was consumed with these thoughts and actions–thus the earlier duhh!  How could I not realize this connection right off–it took me a few minutes thinking well, the 10th house Moon has nothing to do with ‘me’ right now.  Nothing could be further from the truth.

Okay. What about you?  Generally speaking when the Moon transits the 10th house it is time to dedicate yourself to getting ahead in the world, either in your current career or setting things in motion toward your ultimate goals.  Authority of any kind can be an issue, either your own authority in the world or that of your boss or parents.

The soul’s wish to leave a mark in the world to bear fruit in the community somehow in a meaningful way would be triggered emotionally when the Moon moves through the 10th.

Issues of social ambiance can trigger the emotion too.  The Moon is sensitive to issues of social atmosphere in the 10th house.  Do you think this fits?  My sister just asked me if our other sister could come here at Thanksgiving.  More the merrier?  Not in this case! A religious nut and a Psychic in the same house?  Use your imagination.   Talk about right on time too– a great example of Luna transiting the 10th!  Thanks to the Angels for that great example actually.

Status or as they say over the pond STAY-tus is another thing the emotions could be sensitive to when it moves through the 10th house.  These things are good to know because while everything happens for a reason the emotional intensity in that area will back off when the Moon moves on in a day or two.  It’ll be back there next month but the great thing about the Moon and life in general is that… well, as my mother would often say, “This too shall pass.”

Our sense of life mission will be prominent in our heart when the Moon moves through the 10th.  We may feel that our emotional needs involve stepping outside of a “job description” to more of a calling instead.  We may, at this time, struggle with whether or not we are going to accept any kind of social external definition of our identity and we may be emotionally challenged to align the external sense of self with our internal.

Responsibility is also an archetype here.  Some days I do not have a client to work with but I still work.  I blog or use that day to write the weekly newsletter or work on my writing project–my “someday it’s going to be a novel”.   I make myself accountable or responsible to offer something to the community at large whether it is always noted or acknowledged doesn’t matter.  Any writer writes because they have to.   People who are ingrained in the standards of society don’t always understand this and this is what I mean by external and internal self worth.  Do I measure my worth in the world against my bank account?  That’s a great 10th house Lunar transit question.   And its a bit harder to grapple with when the Moon is here–the emotions they can clobber you about that if you’re not careful and aware.

The 10th, you see, is about standing alone just like the planet Saturn that rules here does.  And it can be lonely sometimes when those “You and Me against the World” feelings kick up.  Remember that song?

Responsibilities to pay those bills can grow and loom large when the Moon moves through here too–any responsibilities for that matter take an emotional hit from the Moon.  But the emotional triggers can help to make changes where those are necessary.  Everything happens for a reason and it’s not circumstances that upset a us, it’s the view we take of them as someone smart once said.

The more you know about the lunar cycle, the more consciously you are able to work with the energies of the psyche at that time, the more you are able to use the energy to your

advantage or at least the more equipped you are to understand yourself.  And if you know when the Moon is moving through someone else’s 10th house, that helps too.