Personal Tarot Traits – I met the King of Swords yesterday

Personal Tarot Traits – Relating Personal Daily Experiences to a Daily Tarot Card

King of  SwordsThe King of Swords stood before me in all his glory.  So much so that I wanted to turn my eyes upward and say aloud, “Good one guys!  Perfect in fact.”

I drew the card that morning and then nearly forgot about it entirely until I stood before the guy.

His sword was ready for action and act it did!  What sword?  Well his mouth of course, his words–cutting, direct, and analytically attuned.  He did not roll his eyes or shake his head because we didn’t understand the “rule” that he was  delivering… I’ll give him credit for his stone cold facial expression throughout our entire conversation.  He spoke in a calculating way without a hint of empathy.   But was he actually taking pleasure in his adamant conveyance of the rule?  He was very goat-like in his delivery too.

Swords are associated with words and this guy was the King of Swords, remember?  I’m not sure if all King of Sword types are this way but there was little to no body language along with lack of facial expression with his words.

I didn’t have to stretch very much to relate the card that I drew with the male before me.  He seemed to be flaunting his experience working at the desk and while he did appear to know the rules inside and out, he seemed a bit arrogant about his intelligence as it applied to this one question we were asking.  Really?  Geeze.  (You had to have been there I guess.)  The King of Swords personality does usually include descriptions like:   intellect with poor delivery (no bedside manner so-to-speak).

The King of Swords types of the world want to create and maintain order and seek authority positions of one type or another.  Sometimes we see professionals like surgeons or lawyers carry this kind of energy in their persona.  This man was nowhere near carrying that level of authority yesterday (I like the image on the Herbal Tarot deck *(above) what seems to indicate that–King of Swords sitting down); he was at the local YMCA  after all…  pointed out by another employee as “the man in charge”.

Many times we associate King of Swords energy with someone who is the “defender of truth”–but at the level he was working at yesterday it was more comical than irritating. Manipulating people is the M.O. (modus operandi) of the King of Swords.  The energy of someone who sticks to their guns and is difficult to get around.

No matter which way I posed the question or the scenario, this guy had an ego that was unbend-able.  King of Swords!  There he was standing before me giving me today’s blog fodder!  The King of Swords is not prone to bending rules or accommodating the concerns of others and can get a certain pleasure out of saying “no”.

PS — since our family has two memberships we were asking about my granddaughter coming to swim with either her aunt or grandmother  🙂  Thanks to the guy and the universe working in harmony with my intentions for the experience though.  🙂  I may ask again some other time when I run into a Cup — any will do… King, Queen, Knight or Page. 🙂

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The other morning during my usual wake up routine (no longer hit the floor running like in the good ole’ days) when I let guidance come in and do a waking dream for the day ahead… well, there was a directive in the form of an idea laced with intensity.   Draw a card at the beginning of the day and reflect on its meaning and then revisit the day-card combo at day’s end.  That’s the treasure at the end of the rainbow so-to-speak.  It gives insight into the that world of divination for adding layers or additional traits applying meanings and deeper understanding to the cards, all of which can be drawn from those layers when doing future readings.