Oppositions, Full Moon and the School Play! March 2014

Guys and Dolls imageJust a few thoughts here while contemplating the energy of oppositions this morning with this month’s full Moon nearly upon us (Full Sunday March 16, 2014, approx 1 PM Eastern time).  We know that when the Moon is full it is opposing the Sun–the Suns light shining fully on the Moon.

In astrological terms, oppositions (planets opposing each other in the chart) can be challenging–or that is one view point.  Two forces fighting one another; however, one can energize the other like the energy of the Full Moon.

Did you ever have a conflict with some energy or oppose it (person, place or thing) only later on to find yourself empowered by it?  Oppositions can be like that–at first challenging and then empowering.   Or at least the empowering potential is there.  Life is like that.

I also think of the middle path when considering oppositions, meeting half way and blending.

I took a look at my grandson’s chart this morning.  He is going to open the performance of Guys and Dolls in the school play singing the song, “Sit down you’re rocken’ the boat”.  

His birth chart holds a South Node in the very public and “on stage” 10th house where the rather large performing Jupiter resides natally  as well along with Mars.  The growing Full Moon is moving over all that energy now through opposition, triggering his past (South Node) and the evolutionary intention for this lifetime (North Node).

His emotions (Moon) over these next few days while he’s on stage will be energized by the opposing Jupiter, Mars and South Node.  Said another way, his past life energy (South Node) and natal Mars and Jupiter will energize his Moon, his emotions.  That should help empower his performance in the school play.

When I picked him up from the play practice yesterday, he loaded his things into the trunk of the car while singing his song!  He seems energized and excited about the start of the play right upon him.  His natal planets opposing his transiting Moon now energize him and I’d venture to say that an intense time for him will be tomorrow night’s performance as the Moon in transit squares is birth Pluto in the mutable (flexible) signs of Virgo/Sag.    My guess is that he will rise to the challenge–his chart seems wired for it!  Let your those inner stars shine kiddo!


Guilt! Do We Draw In Experiences To Show Us Where We Need to Release Responsibility? Stelliums: Special Gifts and Talents that Include Blind Spots

A stellium ~ a part of the psyche that conglomerates in one area of life indicating special talents and gifts but also blind spots

Transcending our own mental boundaries can feel like swimming naked and alone in a dark and unfamiliar place.  The mind will often wrongly interpret vulnerability as inadequacy — i.e. the blind spot!

Guilt!  Do We Draw In Experiences To Show Us Where We Need to Release Responsibility?

The answer to that, I believe is a resounding YES!  Is it true in all cases and at all times? I’m not sure but I have been considering the blind spots we have in our psyches and how that is showing in an astrological birth chart in a merging of 3 or more planets closely together.   I think it applies in transiting charts too.  When our attributes (planets) are so closely aligned, we can feel a certain sense of…. This may be hard to describe.  We ‘are’ a certain way and many times assume everyone is built that way—they’re not. 

Therefore, we need them to show us our blind spots and so we draw in others to our life who trigger within us what we cannot otherwise see or realize about ourselves. There is yin/yang to everything–polarities and dichotomies.  That’s life.  And with the talents and gifts and brilliant light of the astrological stellium (special part of our soul where our gifts and talents can be found), we also have blind spots. 

Then we can have those internal arguments.  Internal arguments are much better than hacking it out with the person who is carrying the projection for us—they have nothing to do with it—they are simply the tool we use to see our blind spot. 

Let’s take guilt for example—it’s such a waste of time really; and many times the guilt itself comes from a lack of personal esteem or feeling not worthy somehow.  So let’s say that a person really is an over-giver and when they receive back, they practically feel guilty about it.  Or we could change it up this way and say that a person does receive what is reasonable in exchange for what they give, but feels somehow that they should give more or carry some sort of unreasonable guilt about it.  And let’s say that this is their blind spot!

And some people can be almost apologetic about asking for what is due as a reasonable exchange but they just don’t realize that they do this.  We could correlate this to a stellium in the natal chart most likely but leaving astrology out of it for a moment, let’s say that this person’s blind spot is starting to open up.  And this is due to the type of people and circumstances that are drawn into their life spectrum at a particular time that the blind spot is being realized. 

We need those people and circumstances so that we can be aware that a blind spot exists in our psyche  even though we may have always known we were missing something or perhaps under appreciating our own efforts in some way and that we shouldn’t be feeling guilty.  So what do we do?  We draw in people who sit in that blind spot area and get our attention through their presence—they can be like pesky mosquitoes or gorillas, but either way—they draw our attention to that part of ourselves that we otherwise could not see.

In the example of guilt or feeling in any way uncertain about responsibility—such as which is ours and which isn’t—they make us look there and address that area within ourselves.  And the internal argument gets triggered and we have to look at it all and come to terms with it.

So, just as an example, if we are feel generally guilty that we do not give enough in relationships; for example, we will likely draw in relationship partners who are expert wretchers, moaners, whiners and complainers.  And they will challenge us to look at our guilt and our giving and we will have to come to terms with it—they will put a mirror in the blind spot through their wreching, moaning, whining and complaining. 

And the reason we called them into our experience is to help us to look into that blind spot and see something about ourselves.   That we DO give enough and we DO live up to our responsibility AND MORE and that we ARE giving in equal amount to what receive and that we don’t have to give unceasingly. 

When we stop having the guilt or stop being overly responsible, we will no longer have a need for complainers in our blind spot.  Oh, we all know the types of people I’m talking about—they do all that they can to make everyone else responsible for their disappointments and dis-eases and double-bubble toil and trouble (something evil comes this way…. ).  Pardon me, I just broke into a spontaneous song from a Harry Potter movie.  Anyway…

In relationships men can be just as good at kvetching as women can.  Some people are just so darn good at it—know what I mean? 

Blind Spot

Well, let me think of another example quickly here.  Let’s say we have a young woman who is very attractive really but really has a blind spot about it—maybe she has a natal stellium that includes Venus for example.   She tries to care for her skin and hair and body and so forth and does all she can to develop a people-pleasing personality; however she just can’t seem to recognize her beauty.   Therefore, somewhere within her there is this nagging part that keeps calling out that she needs to try harder and that she’s not quite good enough and maybe that part of her that we’ll call the blind spot for now also says, you know you really are kind of unattractive in many ways.  We might also say that this young woman is barely aware of any of this inner dialogue or consciousness.  Next thing you know, a transiting planet hits her natal stellium, and then she’s drawing in experiences and people who point out every beauty and personality flaw that she may have secretly suspected.  Now she has to really look at herself and question it all.  She may say to herself, “Hey!  That isn’t true—I really AM an attractive person and I need to appreciate myself more.”  When the inner critic quiets the outer critics usually go away.

Yeah, well, these are just a few thoughts about an astrological stellium, guilt, blind spots, responsibility and moaners and complainers.  Stelliums are powerful places in a natal chart but they do create blind spots in areas of life where the light of consciousness is more intense and we cannot, therefore, see ourselves as clearly.